Forward Plan: Executive Meeting: 10 October 2024


Table 1: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 14 November 2024

Title and Description


Portfolio Holder

Capital Programme Update Monitor 2


Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the capital programme.


Members will be asked to note the issues, recommend to Full Council any changes as appropriate.

Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Finance & performance Monitor 2


Purpose of Report: To present details of the overall finance and performance position.


Members will be asked to note the report.

Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

Treasury management 2024/25 mid-year review & Q2 prudential indicators


Purpose of Report: To provide members with an update on the treasury management position.


Members will be asked to note the issues and approve any adjustments as required to the prudential indicators or strategy.

Debbie Mitchell, Chief Finance Officer

Executive Members for Finance, Performance, Major Projects, Human Rights, Equality and Inclusion

York Youth Strategy


Purpose of Report: The report provides an update on plans to develop a Youth Strategy for the City and seeks the Executive’s approval of the strategy. The purpose of the strategy is to develop a new local landscape of how the council and providers of youth services work in partnership to meet the needs of young people and reflecting revised statutory guidance on youth offers.


The Executive will be asked to: Agree the Youth Strategy.

Pauline Stuchfield, Directorate of Housing and Communities and Martin Kelly, Corporate Director of Children and Education

Executive Member for Children, Young People and Education, and Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities













Table 2: Items scheduled on the Forward Plan for the Executive Meeting on 12 December 2024

Title and Description


Portfolio Holder

Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy 2024-29


Purpose of Report: The report will present to Executive the Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy for 2024-29. The Strategy will guide work in this area for the following five years and will seek to enlist partners, stakeholders and citizens in a plan to make homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.


The Executive will be asked to:


i. Approve the Homelessness & Rough Sleeper Strategy for 2024-29.


ii. Establish a multi-agency governance board to help guide the Strategy.


iii.  Authorise the Director of Housing and Communities and the Corporate Director – Adult Social Care and Integration, to work with partners on service re-design and service transformation, moving to a Housing First approach.


iv. Authorise Director of Housing and Communities to work with partners to increase the supply of suitable accommodation to help meet demand.


v. Authorise Director of Housing and Communities and the Corporate Director – Adult Social Care and Integration, to develop a preventative approach and services.

Pauline Stuchfield, Directorate of Housing and Communities and Sara Storey Corporate Director of Adult Services and Integration

Executive Member for Housing, Planning and Safer Communities